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Writer's pictureTinkilala

Living in LaLa Land | So you want to work in the Film Industry?

This is from the perspective of an average looking asian female working behind the scenes in the camera or art department in this age of the me too movement (Note: This is Not in front of the camera so if you are looking for that, there might be other articles out there on this topic.)

Am I working in the industry now? No, I didn't really get that far because it came down to the below that made it a little harder for me.

  1. I'm a female

  2. I'm a minority

  3. I'm average looking (short, not in the best shape, LOL)

Not to say that people like me have not succeeded (which they have!) but you just need to work twice, if not, three times as hard to get in the industry especially if you meet the above criteria. Also the risk of the me too movement, there are predators who will take advantage and so ladies (even men) please do not fall for it, it's not worth it (I had talented female friends quit the industry altogether because of this and me too). Many people hear about the Oscar so white and issues with Hollywood and diversity on screen but they don't tell you behind the scenes.

Yes, I was young and naive when I went to the Los Angeles Film School in Hollywood (2007) and them telling you that you'll get a job right after graduation...not true. It really depends on you and how much you are willing to sacrifice to get to your dream (again, don't do things you don't want to do and that makes you uncomfortable, just say no). I mean time, being rejected, having no money, etc. Also If you're doing it for the're in the wrong industry because you won't see a penny (instead expect to lose money).

Those who are interested in behind the camera work, please see below list ranked from the most difficult to the easier to get into department :

  1. Director

  2. Camera department (Director of Photography, grip, etc)

  3. Producing

  4. Editing

  5. Art department (Art Director, prop master, set design, make up artist, costumes)

  6. Production Assistant

If you're thinking of moving to LA and thinking once I arrive, I can work in these industries. Not really, they are unionized and usually to get into the union, you need to work in a union job which is difficult when you're not in the union...see the catch 22?

I really wanted to do camera but that is heavily unionized and mostly male dominated. Also the friend that helped me get most of the film gig was in the Art Department which I was not bad at.

NOT IMPOSSIBLE though...I've done it. You just need to start some where and from there you need to make connections. The one thing they didn't tell us is the importance of NETWORKING.

It's WHO you know...not really WHAT you know. That's how I was able to get on most of my film jobs was because of friends who got the job and needed help. One thing I wished I did was make "friends" or "connection" while on these jobs. You never know who your next job will come from.

Next advice is to know yourself and be confident. Like a warrior going into battle, you don't want to go in being unsure of yourself because you will be questioned in every action you take and even yelled at, screamed at, etc. Take every insult with a grain of salt and use it as a fuel to improve yourself or become stronger.

Do you have to go to school to do these? it helps but is it worth $40,000 a year or more? NO! Definitely not, I think with the internet and youtube, people have been able to create great films without having to have fancy equipment or go to expensive schools. Do I regret going to school? No, but dealing with the debt, kinda. Below is a Production Design Reel I created from what I did at school. (I can edit too)

I would suggest making your own films though, it's the best way to learn and creating your portfolio to show potential employers/investors. It does help to go to school but there are tutorials to do basic filming. It is fun and the more you create your own content, the more it'll be easier to connect with someone.

Also checking on Craigslist and Indeed, that are looking for Production Assistant (no experience needed) which is a great way to get your foot in the door to start networking.

People say LA people are fake...I'm born and raised in LA and those of us who lived here are real as it can be and we aren't afraid to tell it like it is. However, there are those from out of town who are desperate to make it in the industry that might be networking/connecting for the wrong reason. Be real and be yourself and have integrity. Cause and effect is real and eventually it will catch up to you if you keep flaking on people or using them for your benefit.

So yes, go for it! It's not impossible but it's not an easy journey and the more you know, the more you can prepare yourself especially for the female minority out there. Hope this helps!

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