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Writer's pictureTinkilala

Happy New Year! Tips and Tricks on kick starting your year!

Updated: Jan 2, 2020

Good bye 2019! Hello 2020!...then 2020 ends and 2021 begins...and the cycle never ends.

Do you have a New Year's Tradition? Whether it is for yourself, family or culture, we have some rituals to kick off the new year.

  1. Create your own tradition and add to it or improve it - Cleaning | It's probably an Asian thing but I have been told by my parents to clean for the new year. Of course, I did it begrudgingly but it made a lot of sense. If you want to use the Marie Kondo method of cleaning, do it! You won't regret it! - Review my past goals and audit to see if it makes sense to have it on my list and add.

  2. Review the past years by creating a reverse Bucket List - See my post on this but basically you have a history that you should be proud of, what have you accomplished, experienced or done so far? I know...kind of reminds me of a resume but for yourself.

  3. Appreciate yourself for getting this far and overcoming challenges - What doesn't kill you makes you stronger! What was it that you struggle with last year and how did you overcome it and if not yet, what are you going to do this year to change it. - Get a journal/diary, best way to write down your progress. I have a 5 year diary [click on the hyperlink to buy your own on amazon] which is exactly that, they split one day with 5 different entry for each year. I'm on year two since I started in 2018. It's so weird looking back what you did last year that day but very cool.

  4. Review and audit your previous list or create a new resolution - Looking back at your new year's resolution and edit what you want to keep vs what you don't. - If you don't have one, don't worry. Create a new one and you can get great ideas online or Pinterest [click on the hyperlink]!

  5. Create a "this just happened" vision board - You're like what? I know, not your usual vision board, I have this cork board on my wall and each year it's empty at the beginning of the year and as time progress, i pin things that happen that year whether it be good or bad. Like a parking tickets I need to pay or coupon I want to use. You'll be surprised how fast it fills up. Photo below is my 2019 items which will be taken off and at the new year. Some stuff I keep or some I throw away.

*BONUS: Share your New Year's resolution on social media or your friends. The support will keep you going. Like I said, my own worst enemy is myself and someone needs to keep me in check.

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